Our Idea: Bahati - Happiness

Bahati is swahili language and means happiness. We want our guests to be happy with us. Therefore we invite you to share our life with nature and animals in the Digo tribe village on our permaculture farm.


By getting a part of our ocean and farming culture in Digo tribe village at Diani beach, you will enrich your life with a lot of deep and new experiences.

We are: Joseph and Petra. Joseph is Kenyan farmer and former fisherman. Petra is German teacher for disabled kids.


Our permaculture farm produces fresh healthy vegetables and fruits. We want you to feel the refreshing natural and slowing down culture of the Digo tribe life.


 As our guests you get our full attention: We offer you our farm for making own enriching powerful experiences. You are invited to open your mind, body and soul for african beautiness, taste and atmosphere.  You are warmly welcomed to relax and refresh yourself with us.